Magical Selenite
Gypsum has several variety names that are widely used in the mineral trade.
“Selenite” is the colorless and transparent variety that shows a pearl like luster and has been described as having a moon like glow. The word selenite comes from the greek for Moon and means moon rock.
Another variety is a compact fiberous aggregate called “satin spar” . This variety has a very satin like look that gives a play of light up and down the fiberous crystals.
A fine grained massive material is called “alabaster” and is an ornamental stone used in fine carvings for centuries, even eons.
Crystals of gypsum can be extremely colorless and transparent, making a strong contrast to the most common usage in drywall. The crystals can also be quite large. Gypsum is a natural insulator, feeling warm to the touch when compared to a more ordinary rock or quartz crystal. Sheets of clear crystals can be easily peeled from a a larger specimen.
Commonly referred to as Salt of the Earth – this mineral is made up of the same composition as our saline human bodies. This may help us begin to understand its ability to resonate so well with our physical body as well as our special facilitator from Mother Earth in transitioning from a more physical constitution, to a light bodied one.
In meditation placing Selenite a few inches above the head will help in the cleansing, clearing and balancing of all chakras. Selenite can assist in the bridging of the conscious mind to the super conscious mind, allowing one to connect with one’s SOUL STAR.
A chakra median located outside the body and above one’s head
Selenite stimulates brain activity and provides for clarity of mind, works well in facilitating that clarity in areas of disputes and legal matters By rubbing selenite with your thumb and forefinger one may activate the energies of this most conductive mineral. It is easily scratched if one uses their fingernails, so activation is best achieved by rubbing.
Selenite is excellent for the straightening of one’s spinal column, whether in the hand of professional body and energy workers or though ones own personal direction. Selenite’s ability todirect energies is unparalleled in natureIt can channel light much in the same way as fiber optics do, making this one of the most sought after minerals of this New Age.
It provides for us a direct corridor through its natural striations, allowing us to connect with universal light energy. Native Americans utilize pieces of selenite in their ceremonial and sweat lodge fires to assist with vision questing.
Selenite and Apophyllite are the only two minerals powerful enough to clear negative energies out of Quartz Crystals. Selenite is further unique in that it is the only mineral capable of programming Quartz Crystals.
Place any crystal, specimen or pocket stone you have been working with on top of your Selenite Wand. You can set a number of different stones in a row. The Selenite will both clean any energies present and recharge your other crystals and stones.
You can greatly increase any other crystal or stone energy by pointing your Selenite Wand at the other stone. Reprogramming is done this way. Just visualize how you want the energy of your Quartz crystal or other stone to perform.
Spirit Guides, Angels, Higher Beings or Totem Animals can all be more easily contacted using a Selenite Wand. Access your subconscious as well. These wands are very potent. Be careful of your thoughts when working with Selenite.
Rub your Selenite in an outward direction with two or three fingers. At the same time visualize and ask to contact a guide. Selenite provides a bridge to other worlds.
Use a similar rubbing process only use your thumb and rub along the ridges or striation lines of your Selenite. Ask for access to your Past Lives. This sometimes happens very quickly so be prepared.
Selenite is often used for clarity of mental processes. It was the original record keeping stone in Atlantean and Lemurian times. Using the same rubbing technique as for Past Lives, ask your Selenite for passage to particular areas of knowledge. Many times that knowledge is given to you in dreaming or while astral traveling.
When using your Selenite Wand in any of these ways or to amplify healing, make certain you use your inner powers to wipe clean the energy that has been placed into the Selenite.
Superior for psychic development and intuitive processes. A growing number of readers are finding Selenite more useful and manageable than Quartz Crystal. Quartz has that uncompromising habit of amplifying everything, positive or negative.
As a bridge to altered states of consciousness, Selenite is an excellent tool for visualization, meditation and working with the subconscious.
Goes to the source of physical disorders and provides insights into probable causes. Outstanding as a journeying tool for Shamans.
LOVE ATTRACTOR AND RESTORER OF HARMONY Its unique ability to connect and balance the Spiritual and Physical bodies enables Selenite to do similar work between two persons. Selenite is so powerful as a record keeper that some couples use a large Selenite piece as a message center. It tends to smooth out any difficulties due to unclear messages POTENT AID TO HEALING Working with the subtle bodies Selenite pushes one to the area most in need of clearing and balancing. Its power in working with all of the chakras makes Selenite a universal healing implement. Selenite is not like any other healing stone or wand that focuses its particular energy on a problem. Selenite works like a tuner on a radio to discover locations of static in the aura. As your own awareness grows so will your use of this mystical mineral.
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