Merry Meet all!
March is turning out to be a very busy month! Please read all the way to the bottom as there is lots to share with you this month.
Harmony is having a New Moon Drum Circle this coming Monday, March 15th at 7:00 PM at her home. Please email her at for directions. Donations for supplies are greatly appreciated.
I have registered both the Courtenay Coffee Cauldron and the Campbell River Coffee Cauldron on Please go out and register on meetup (it’s free) and sign up for the groups to be updated on when they are happening. Here are the links:
Campbell River:
You’ll notice that the next Coffee Cauldron scheduled for Courtenay is in April. Many people (including my husband) are going to be away on the 22nd of March, when the next one would normally be held, so I am postponing until April.
I have also organized another Meetup for Wednesday, March 17th. This is not a Circle function, but it ties in nicely and I would love it if you could come out!
As I mentioned above, David is going to be away, for most of the last half of the month. Because of this, as well as that I have to go to a conference for work, I will not be hosting a Full Moon Ritual. Any of the postulants and regular attendees are welcome to organize a ritual, though!
Also, I will not be organizing an Ostara ritual this month. However, the Temple of the Green Cauldron has organized one for Sunday, March 21, 2010, from 12:30pm – 3:00pm at the Lewis Centre. The email from their group is at the bottom of this message.
Last, but not least, we still need people to join our team for Relay for Life! Registration is only $20, it’s a really fun event, and proceeds go to the Canadian Cancer Society. Please join our team or support us with a donation:
Peace, Love, Joy and Infinite Blessings )O(,
The Temple of the Green Cauldron invites the public to attend an open ritual, celebrating the balance of day and night at the vernal equinox, by joining us in the circle or watching outside.
On this day we are mid way between the dark of winter at Yule and the height of light at Litha, the summer solstice. As the daylight increases, we welcome the suns life-giving warmth, the first day of spring, and the fertility of the land. Plants emerge from their winter slumber and the sun warmed earth is being readied for planting.
This is a time of rebirth, renewal, and action following winter’s rest. There is an urge towards spring house cleaning, and taking stock of what work and repairs are needed. It is a time of new beginnings and the chance to re-evaluate our lives and then correct imbalances.
A potluck meal will follow the ritual, so bring along your favourite treat to share with everyone.
A donation to the cauldron of prosperity to cover expenses is greatly appreciated!
The Temple would like to remind everyone that while photography is not forbidden, we ask that you please get permission from those who will be in your picture before you click.
The Courtenay ritual will be held at the Lewis Centre, 489 Old Island Highway. Doors open at 12:30, ritual to start at 1:00.