This past weekend was action packed in pagan terms. First, full moon ritual on Saturday, then Ostara public ritual on Sunday. Did you see the full moon on Saturday night? It was huge, it reminded me of a harvest moon in size, except it began rising as a red orb, transformed to orange and eventually became its usual silvery white. Our high priestess was saying this is the closest the moon has been and will be for a long time, some say 20 years. I felt very blessed to be outside under that moon participating in my circle’s full moon ritual, it was very magical, and I could sense the spirits of the grove around us, and we had some creatures visiting too. I saw the hare in the moon this time, sometimes I see the man in the moon, sometimes one then the other. It was so refreshing to be able to have ritual outside in the grove after being indoors over the winter.
Ostara was sunny and warm here, my sister postulant Phoenix and I set up and performed the public ritual, and we had some new folks join us, something I am happy to see. Our activity was hunting eggs that I had dyed red, and inscribed with rune symbols, fate led you to the egg and its rune meaning, a fun kind of divination, good for all ages. Since this equinox was related to innocence and youth, I used graham bear crackers for our cakes, we also brought some fairy and gnome statues for the floor around the altar table, something we don’t usually include. In the spirit of youth and playfulness it was a nice touch. Our altar had potted narcissus and small spring lilies in the North/Earth direction, as well as small nasturtium plant that is beginning to grow leaves originating from a seed planted at Imbolg. And of course the usual tools were present there too, only we don’t cast circle with a sword for public rituals, so we cast it walking around the perimeter and with an athame. After ritual we had a feast, and some music and play after that, a good time was had by all.
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